Friday, August 14, 2009

Moshiach is Coming Very Soon


Duirng the fast of 9 Av, a resident of Bnei Brak visited the honorable Rav Kanievsky Shila, to ask him a few questions, regarding the fast.

The revered Rav answered him, "The answers I'll give you will not help you. By this time next year, Moshiach will be here, and we will no longer be fasting”

The above rare answer from the Rav, is extremely extraordinary. All those present in Rav Kanievsky's house were astounded, to hear this surprise answer.

This has been clarified at the
Geula Forum :

"The Chazon Ish (Rav Chaim Kanievsky Grandfather), and Rav Shach (one of his Rabbi's), came to Rav Chaim Kanievsky in a dream.

Both told him: to tell everyone to do Teshuvah, in order to get ready for Moshiach, who is coming very soon!"
Other dreams include Rabbi Holtzberg's dream; as well as a dream early this year; by Rabbi Y. Feldman.