Saturday, August 22, 2009

Forced Change and Growth

Before 70 CE, Jerusalem was the physical and spiritual center of the Jewish commonwealth. After the Romans destroyed the Temple, Judaism emerged as something different; a religion and people, without a Temple, sacrifices, or even a country.

The problem is, that people and institutions are heavily invested in existing systems, and as a result, can’t imagine what will replace them, - and are resistant, to losing or changing the old system.

New Media maven Clay Shirkywrote an important essay a few months back called, "Newspapers, and Thinking the Unthinkable." It's not that newspaper people didn't see the Internet coming, he writes.

The problem was, that they tried to preserve the old forms of organization, in a world that was "visibly going away." Unfortunately for them, the old model is broken – and beyond repair.

The Great Depression wreaked havoc on Jewish organizational life. The same period, however, saw a religious revival, and innovative Jewish leaders began to experiment.

"The American Rabbinate saw a unique opportunity, to galvanize Jews to engage in volunteer service, in both the Jewish and larger American frameworks; to employ for the first time, radio broadcasts and newspaper advertisements, in reaching out, and encouraging Jewish learning, and synagogue involvement; and to speak out, on public policy, and social justice issues," writes Windmueller.

"Similarly, fund-raising by Jewish charities in the 1920s, achieved extraordinary results, in a way not dissimilar to American Jewish institutions' success, over the past quarter-century."

No solution is possible, unless one dares to imagine new forms, new leadership, and new territory, beyond the current, limited walls.

Moshiach is coming, and as a result, the world is rapidly changing.

Once steady weather patterns, are now unpredictable.

At least 20 Million people have had to relocate, due to extreme weather changes in the world.

World governments are rapidly being forced, to change their form of government. Including Dictatorships, Communism and Democracy.

The old financial model, that was so successful, has mysteriously imploded. Causing at least a 50 trillion dollar loss of wealth, in the world.

Many Jewish groups, have had major scandals, that have undermined their credibility.

Personal scandals of famous world leaders, continue unabated.

And many other examples.
The point is, that this in not occurring by chance!

G-d originally created the world, with a plan in mind. He wanted the world to eventually reach a perfect state. This ideal state, is called Geula. And this ideal life, is initiated, through the efforts of one man- Moshiach. But he also needs our help.

As a result, the old, limited form of the world, is stretching and breaking, in order to pave the way for the new world order.

Just as the world had to go through the destruction of the first two Temples, that provided wealth and blessing to the entire world; so too, the world now must endure the change and destruction of the old and finite, in order to make way for the new and infinite.

We must help make this transformation be as quickly, and as easy, as possible.
One way, is to go directly to the source, and ask G-d Himself, to bring Moshiach Now!

G-d Bless, the entire World!