Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Rebbe

At Dollars

The Melting Pot

September 1989
New York Mayor David Dinkins
The Mayor: I just wanted you to know, that the blessing I got before, worked very well.

The Rebbe: I am happy to hear it.
Thank you so much.
May G-d almighty bless you

The Rebbe: G-d almighty is our leader.

This is for charity for all New York. Including me and Mr. Dinkins.
Especially for the benefit for the multitudes of nationalities in NY.

It is a melting pot for many nations. May all these nationalities live in good peace and in harmony.

And every one of them, should strengthen all the nationalities around them, especially in matters of charity.

I hope that in the near future that the melting pot will be so active, that it will not be necessary to underline every time, that they are negro, or they are white, or they are Hispanic, etc, etc, because there are no differences.

All of them are created by the same G-d. And they are created for the same purpose, to add all good things around them. Beginning especially with themselves and their families,
That is also an important thing to underline. For someone that is active in communal affairs. Not to forget about his wife and children, and his grand children, and in time to come, great grand children.

As I said before, I am not so happy in underlining, Brooklyn being on one side, and Manhattan on a second side, and other people – the Hispanics, etc., on a third side.

If it is a real melting pot, then certainly it must be a melting pot, for all good things with no differences.
There is a curious fact, in the Jewish prayers of Rosh Hashanah, that there is a G-d Who is the ruler of all the universe. Not only of our country, but of all the universe. And don’t be afraid of a task, to do something for all the universe.

Mrs Chana Sharfstein
In her early twenties in 1954

One time when I went into Yechidus, the Rebbe started asking me about Shidduchim.
I was dating, and I just answered: Yes, I was meeting people.

Then the Rebbe started asking me about different boys.

I thought to myself that is strange, all the boys that the Rebbe asked me about, I had gone out with them.

I answered about each one, that although they were nice boys, I had my reasons for not marrying them.
The Rebbe then said to me: I know that you like to read.

I said: oh yes I do.

He said: and what kind of books do you prefer reading.

I said that I loved to read novels.

The Rebbe said, that: Novels are fiction, and fiction is make believe, it is not real.
So what you read in a novel, is not what happens in real life.

In a novel, people meet and there is this big blinding storm of passion. That is not what real love is all about.

Two people can meet, and there can be a thread of understanding. It is like a tiny little flame.

And as these people merge their lives together, and decide to build a home, and raise a family. Through the everyday activities of life, through caring and sharing, through commitment to each other, going through the daily tribulations of life; this little flame then grows ever brighter, into a much bigger flame.

Until these two people, who started out a strangers, have through life become intertwined to such an extent, that neither one of them can think of life, without the other.

This is what true love is all about. It is small acts, that you do on a daily basis, that make you become, instead of you and I, us.

Rabbi David Edelman / Connecticut

Once I was standing with a few friends, in the hallway of 770, and the elevator opened up. The Rebbe came out, and he came over to us, and started telling us what happened upstairs, in the Pervious Rebbe’s room.
I ask the Rebbe, if I am doing the right thing.
I have an office here in Merkos, and all kinds of people come to see me, and some give donations.

Some are not religious Jews. But I am friendly, no matter what kind of people come in.

Am I doing the right thing, by being friendly to non-religious Jews? Since I don’t say anything to them, maybe they think, that it is not so bad, that they are not religious.

The Rebbe answered me: It is the nature of parents, that no matter how many children they have, they have enough love for all of them. That is the way G-d created the world.

But if among a big family, one child has a problem with a hand, or a problem with a leg. The father and mother, have even more love for that child. Because he needs more.

So if a Jew comes into your office, who is missing a hand, because he has not put on Tefillin, or a leg because he has not gone to Shul; to that Jew, you have to have a deeper love.

The more that he is lacking, the greater your love has to be for him.
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan

After I was learning in the Kolel for 2-3 months, I was asked to come to speak to Rabbi Hodakov, who was the Rebbe’s personal secretary.
He told me, that he has a special mission for me. And that this should be my top priority. And ss much time as it takes, take it.

There was a seventeen year old girl, who was having a great deal of emotional problems. She had many severe issues that bothered her.
For some unknown reason, the Rebbe took an extraordinary, personal interest, in trying to help her. The Rebbe put himself into it, with a lot of intensity, time and effort.

Over 3-4 months, I spent 50% of my time trying to help her. I didn’t do a single thing, without consulting the Rebbe.

She herself would write to the Rebbe, and we would discuss the answer that she had received.

Once she wrote to the Rebbe, about the excruciating pain and anguish, that she
was going through. The emotional turmoil, that she was feeling inside of her.
She described it at length and in detail, over a couple of pages.

The Rebbe after receiving her letters, would uncharacteristically, usually answer her in a couple of hours,.
In answer to her desperate letter, the Rebbe wrote:
When you will merit to grow up and marry, and G-d willing, you will have a child, the nature of things are, that in the first year, a child begins to teeth. Teething is very painful, and the child cries a lot.

A mother feels that a pain, as if it was her own.
This is how I feel your pain.

She then realized, that the Rebbe was feeling what she was going through, and that he was trying to help her. This changed her life. And eventually she did get married and had a family.

Bar Mitzvah Test

A family’s son was going to have a Bar Mitzvah.

The parents wanted to see, what kid of son they had
Just before the Bar Mitzvah, on a table in one room, they put a hundred dollar bill, a bottle of Maska, and a Chumush.

If he took the Chumash, he would be a scholar; if he took the money, he would be a business man; and if he took the Maska, he would be a drunk.
The parents then called their son, and hid behind the closet door.

The son walked into the room, and walked over to the table. He put the hundred dollar bill in his pocket, put the Chumash under his arm, and made a Lechaim!

His mother screamed out: “Oh no, he’s going to be a Lubavitcher Shliach!”

Friday, July 10, 2009

Help Make the world A Better Place

Even the smallest things -- a kind word, a dollar to charity, a few minutes of prayer -- are immeasurably significant. We must do anything we can to throw even one ray of light into the darkness. Our journey is about to end; we are set to reach our destination, our rendezvous with G-d. The next move is yours.
Because the challenge is so large, you must start small. Add in acts of goodness and kindness. Take an inspiring class or go to a lecture.. Learn about G-d, and the purpose of creation.
Remember, the first step in escaping the darkness, is acknowledging that it is darkness.
Familiarize yourself with these ideas at your own pace, and you will begin to see a larger picture taking shape in your mind.
Pause for a moment, to reflect on the true priorities in your life.
Make your home, a loving environment.
Make your office a place, where generosity and compassion, replace selfishness and aggression.
And above all, share these ideas with your family and friends.
If one person can resolve to make these changes, then ten can. And if ten can, so can one hundred, and on and on. After all, we are intrinsically good; we naturally want to lead better, more productive, more meaningful lives. Commit yourself today and exhort others to do the same.

Reaching ra threihts

The route to reaching loftier heights, is by first descending to the depths.

(The Lubavitcher Rebbe)

What I Give away

Whatever I give away now, here in this world, will be mine forever in the World to Come. What I keep for myself now, in this world, will not be mine in the future!"

King Solomon and Jerusalem

King Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba. He became ruler in approximately 967 B.C.E.. His kingdom extended from the Euphrates River in the north, to Egypt in the south. His crowning achievement was, the building of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

People from surrounding nations came to hear Solomon’s wisdom.
The first and most famous incident of his cleverness as a judge, was when two women came to his court with a baby, whom both women claimed as their own.

Solomon threatened to split the baby in half. One woman was prepared to accept the decision, but the other begged the King to give the live baby, to the other woman. Solomon then knew, the second woman was the real mother.
So too, Jerusalem can be compared to the baby in this story. Any person who condones the cutting in half of Jerusalem, is not the real mother.

Jerusalem belongs in the hands of those who will treat her the way she is meant to be treated - Whole, in the hands of her owners, the Torah Jewish people.
This is because human love, is rooted in the Divine attribute of Chesed (lovingkindness). Since G-d is constantly bestowing His kindness upon creation, feelings of kindness and love, always abound in the world. They can drive man to incredible heights, or to the lowest depths.

If love is properly controlled, it is the most effective tool for the building of humanity and peace. Thus the verse states "The world is built through Chesed".