Friday, August 14, 2009

The Heels of Moshiach

Our generation is called: “The Heels of Moshiach.”

A heel has two contradictatory aspects:
One the one hand, it is the lowest part of the body. It is also, the most insensitive part of the body. But on the other hand, the whole body rests on the heel; including, the heart and the head.

The reason that our generation is called: “The Heels of Moshiach”, is because, all past generations, are considered one body. As history has progressed, it has followed the plan laid out by G-d, at its inception. Namely, that it should progress, until Moshiach is revealed, and leads the Jews to the Geula.

Adam Harishon (the first) included all the souls of the future generations. Therefore, when he went against G-d’s will, (by eating from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden), all the future generations were lowered.

Moshiach also includes all the souls of the generations, but he will elevate them all.
As time has gone on, the Jewish body has elevated the brain- intellect, the heart- emotions, and now we are up to the heels- action and Kabblos Ohl (Bittel).

Even though the heels are the lowest part of the body, they take the brain and the heart to places, that they could never reach on their own.

Understanding and feeling, although very refined senses of the body, yet they are still limited. A person can only understand and feel so much. Especially, when we are talking about connecting, with the highest levels of G-d- Atzmus- essence.
The brain and the heart, are not vessels, to be able to receive an infinite light. As was the case, when the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai.

When the Jews heard the first two commandments directly from G-d, they died. Their souls flew out of their bodies, because the light was too great, to fit into their limited beings.

Although their souls returned; the next eight commandments, were told to Moses (the Moshiach of that generation), who was a vessel for the infinite light. And he then transmitted them to the Jewish people, on a level that they could absorb.

Which will not be true of this generation of heels. We will be able, through Moshiach, to receive the Torah of Moshiach directly.
The heels are not limited by understanding or feeling, they just do what they are told- action.

The heels can then take, the intellect and emotions, to be able to receive the greatest revelation of G-d, in the history of mankind!

This, is our generation.
In previous generations (for example in the time of the Temple), they had higher souls and more light. But as high as a soul can go, it is still limited to holiness. And the light revealed then, was still only a ray of G-dliness.

Which is not true now. We will transcend all limitations, and reach the level of G-dliness, that is so high, that both the physical and spiritual, will meet as one.

Specifically the heel, does wait to do something, until it understands, or feels something; rather, it immediately jumps into action.
This is similar, to what happened, when the Jews got the Torah the first time. They first said to G-d: First we will do whatever you tell us to do, in the Torah; and then later, we will delve into it, to understand what it says.

So too now, we will first do what Moshiach asks us to do, and then we come to understand on a level, that was previously impossible to understand and feel.

As the phrase goes in our generation: Just do it!