Sunday, September 13, 2009

To Understand the "Birthpangs of Moshiach"

To Understand the "Birthpangs of Moshiach" by the Mitteler Rebbe, (2nd Rebbe of Lubavitch)

Golus (exile) is likened to pregnancy, and the Geulah (redemption) is likened to birth...Just as at the end of nine months a pregnant woman will begin to cry out in pain (from "birth pangs").

Similarly, the time at the end of the period of golus, right before the Geulah, when the moment of salvation is near (which is the "pregnancy" of the time of Galus), is referred to as "birth pangs".

This is the idea of "birth pangs of Moshiach," which occur to Israel "from the straits," which are called "eis tzora", "time of trouble’" and precisely from these troubles we will be saved.

This is a sign of the beginning of the Geulah
, as is known; but it is specifically after finishing the time of pregnancy, which is at the end of nine months.

Although she is pregnant before this, and she has painful contractions, these are not called labor pains; because labor pains only occur, right before the onset of the actual birth. And they are the sign, that the time has arrived for birth.
Pregnancy is the opposite of birth, because pregnancy is confinement and concealment of the baby in the womb of its mother.

At the time of birth, it turns over, and goes out from the higher part of the womb, to the lower part in order to come out and be revealed. This is leaving the narrow strait which presses the baby out, which requires birth pangs.

The birth pangs do the opposite of birth (by squeezing and confining the baby even more); but specifically through them, is the birth accomplished.

As is known, birth pangs are a strong, gripping pain, on the sides of the baby, to make it come out, which is the main part of the pain. But it is specifically through this, that there is the strength and ability for birth.

And this is why the birth pangs are called, "mashber" ("crisis").

It was at the moment of Israel's distress, in the days of Yechezkiya, king of Yehuda, who was beseiged by Sancheriv, king of Ashur.

So it is regarding the birth pangs of Moshiach--that close to his coming, there will be the upheaval of the war of Gog and Magog, which is the opposite of redemption, similar to birth pangs. But specifically through this upheaval, will come the strength of the Geulah, which is called birth.

All this is because the Geulah is the opposite of exile; because exile is the ultimate concealment (the level of pregnancy), and the Geulah is the level of birth.

Thus, birth pangs are required, (to break the hold of the Galus), to bring about the Geulah; because they are the main things, which facilitate the birth.
Like a river, gains speed as it narrows, the strength for giving birth (pushing the baby out) comes specifically from the birth pangs...Thus it is understood, that on the supernal level of, "birth" of the collective entity of Jewish souls; the birth pangs arise, to give the strength for birth.

That is to say, specifically at the end, right before the time of birth -- which is the time of the coming of Moshiach --

is when she begins to cry out from the birth pangs;
which are the troubles for Israel, from which she will be saved.

And this is the sign, of the beginning of the redemption.