Monday, September 7, 2009

The Cosmic Split- Tzimtzum

The sun and the moon, are not two self-contained luminaries, divorced from earthly affairs. They are both an integral, intertwined part of the human condition. Indeed, their entire being, is to serve Earth. They affect us and we affect them.

Thus, the sun and moon – just as we earthlings – do not have perfect cycles. Their movements reflect the disparity of our lives – all our inconsistencies and imperfections, cracks and divides. Our split between spirit and matter, is mirrored in the sun’s uneven cycle, as well as the moon’s.

All forms of duality that we experience: – from the esoteric split between spirit and matter, form and function, body and soul; to the tangible conflicts that plague our psyches and lives, the battles between our mind and heart, the domestic conflicts between spouses, friends, different opinions and nations: – are all a result, of the cosmic Tzimtzum “black hole,” concealing the harmony within all.
Diversity per se is a blessing; a necessity, to discover beauty in the manifold colors and shades of our common tapestry. And indeed, that is the objective of the Tzimtzum in the first place: Not to conceal, but to reveal. Not to divide, but to unite. To allow us the power and free-choice, to see beneath the veil, and reconnect the seemingly fragmented parts.

But diversity left unchecked, creates divisiveness; and Divisiveness and discord, are but one step away, from hostility, prejudice, war; and finally mutual destruction.

Rather we need to realize, that we need each other, and we complement each other. If one component is hurting, we all hurt.
Hashem Echod – the ultimate declaration of unity, in the most famous liturgy of them all (the Shema). It is not just a statement about monotheism. It means not only, that there is one G-d and not many gods; it’s ultimate meaning is: there is one reality, and not two or many realities.

When you are fiercely negotiating a business deal on a mundane Wednesday, you are connected with the same Divine unity, as when you are fervently praying in a Synagogue on Yom Kippur. But when this unity is concealed, every form of disparity and inconsistency arises.
Adam and Eve’s loss of innocence, was when they were thrust into a world of duality, from their initial state of seamlessness.
By defying G-d, and eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, resulted in the fissure of the human psyche; it gave birth to self-consciousness; and the split, which plagues mankind to this day, between our own sense of consciousness and personal needs; and a sense of higher consciousness and greater calling.
The moon’s twin luminary, the sun, is also affected by the misalignment between spirit and matter caused by the Tzimtzum. The sun’s cycle is therefore not a perfect 365 days; and every 28 years, it needs our blessings, to realign this imbalance.

We humans have the power to relieve the solar trauma – and the tensions caused by all life’s imbalances – by simply gathering together, uniting and recognizing the sun’s original alignment; blessing this event, and drawing down its harmony into our lives.

We also have the ability, to restore the balance, so desperately, needed in our personal and collective lives.
After Moshiach comes, the spilt between the moon and the sun, and the creation, will be healed. Then the moon, will become the same size as the sun; and instead of being a reflector of the sun’s light, it will instead become a luminary in its own right.

So too we humans, we will end being reflectors of G-ds light, and become radiators of G-dly light. And as a result, the whole creation will shine like the sun, as its inner G-dliness will shine, throughout the universe.