Monday, September 7, 2009

Limited Mind-set

New outlooks, have arisen before in human history, and they typically meet with resistance, especially at first.

Before we consider the contours of things to come, let's remember the evolution of attitudes, regarding the shape of the world we are standing on now.

For centuries people were certain, that the world was flat. What else could a sane person believe? When you look at the ground around you ... behold! It is flat. Even the view from the top of a mountain confirmed, a flat earth in all directions. Why should anyone think otherwise?

Suddenly a new understanding about our planet arose. One person proposed that the earth is round like a ball. The reactions were predictably emotional: "Insane! Stupid! Foolish!"

Gradually, however, people began to examine this new idea using their intellect instead of their emotions, or ingrained personal beliefs. As the evidence steadily increased, the new idea became accepted as knowledge, by most.

There were still some people who remained with their certainty, that the earth is flat. No amount of evidence could persuade them, to let go of their mistaken belief.
There are other examples of dogmatic resistance to new facts or ideas: Based on Newtonian Physics, 18th century scientists unanimously discounted the possibility, of meteorites falling from the sky.

But what happened when the French countryside got pummeled by hundreds of large meteorites? “

Scientists” around the world rejected the evidence, for months, and even years! Of course now we know it is true.

Similarly, for months following the Wright Brothers' successful airplane flights, witnessed by hundreds of locals, there were no media reports at all; and Scientific American magazine ran editorials, ridiculing the idea of heavier-than-air flying machines.

Even more recently, there are still people who deny, that man has ever landed on the moon.

There is a popular saying, "The more I learn, the more I real­ize how little I know." In general, a thirst for knowledge, with a dose of humility, is enough to prepare a person, for new informa­tion, and different views on life.
Who among us can claim, complete knowledge about such fundamental issues, as the nature of G-d, and man's purpose on this planet?

Who might propose with certainty, where the ultimate destiny of individuals and society, may lie; who will take us there, and what to do while we wait?

Ancient Jewish prophets and sages, have foreseen our current era. Their predictions, as recorded in the Jewish Bible, and the Rabbinic writings of the Tradition from Sinai, have been unfolding over the most recent times.

Now that the stage is set, based on these sources, it is real­istic to expect that Moshiach will soon, enter the global arena.

Once we know what we are looking for, we can be in tune with Moshiach's call , even before the Redemption is fully realized.
What does it means for an atheist to be redeemed by G-d? Atheism has a kernel of religious truth. Very often the atheist's problem is that a Biblical G-d seems to have human dimensions and frailties, like anger, jealousy, and regret.

Such qualities seem quite inconsistent with a transcendent, omnipo­tent and omniscient entity for which the whole universe is smaller than a tiny speck. A person with such beliefs is ready for the infinite aspect of G-d, and rejects any trivialization of Divinity.

As one sage responded to an atheist, "The G-d that you don't believe in, I don't believe in either."
Moshiach will not come to disrupt man's life, or to create world upheaval. Everything that is good about life, will remain, and become enhanced, as the era of the Redemption progresses.

On the other hand, the negativity, fear, hatred, pettiness, greed, violence, and so on, that is also part of our daily context, will diminish, and in fact disappear.