Friday, September 4, 2009

Blessings from Above

Blessings from above

Can one plan, to be blessed? We believe, that when we live life as G-d intended us to, we will find or lives blessed in many ways. Even if we do not always see the results tangibly or immediately, we certainly are aware of many blessings, that come with the benefits, of leading a G-dly life.

But it can also occur, that you will be blessed, even when you made no effort, to seek those blessings. It will come out of the blue, an unexpected windfall.
The truth is, we don't know where the blessing of our livelihood lies.

According to the Baal Shem Tov, our unconscious soul may hear something on a higher plane, and it then filters down to our conscious soul, and we are touched, moved or inspired.

We live in an era of much confusion. Many are lost, floundering about in spiritual wildernesses. But many are finding themselves too. There have been many, who didn't necessarily go looking for G-d, but G-d found them.

"How did you get inspired, everybody has a story. In some stories, one went looking for G-d, in others, He came looking for us.

Just remember, if you feel the spirit coming to you, be open to it, and grab the G-d given opportunity!

May the blessings of G-d overtake you, and transform your life!