Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lakewood is ready for Moshiach!


On Sunday, at what was the largest Hachnosas Sefer Torah event,in the history of the Ihr HaTorah of Lakewood.

Some 6-7,000 men, women and children took part, together with the roshei yeshiva and mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha; as well as Rabbonim and Poskim, from throughout the town.

For the pesichah of the Kleinman Family Campus of BMG, and a Hachnosas Sefer Torah, dedicated by the Kleinman family.

Following the Hachnosas Sefer Torah, guests gathered for a Seudas Mitzvah in a tent behind the new Forest Avenue-Eleventh Street bais medrash.

At the Seudah, the crowd was addressed by several speakers, including the Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha, Rav Matisyahu Salomon; whose remarks have been quoted, and have been making the rounds in frum circles.
In his speech, Rav Matisyahu spoke about a dream that he had this past summer.

The Mashgiach’s rebbetzin was very ill at the time, and he dreamt that the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l, appeared to him; looking exactly the way he remembered him from when he saw the Rosh yeshiva as a Bochur in Gateshead Yeshiva.

The Rosh Yeshiva told him, that if he’s Mekabel (agrees) to remain in Lakewood, then his Rebbetzin (wife) will have a Refuah Sheleimah (a complete recovery): and both he and his Rebbetzin will merit, to greet Moshiach!

He was Mekabel that, and the Rebbetzin has been Zocheh (mereited) to a miraculous recovery.The Mashgiach commented, the he is quite old and that we’re living in Moshiach’s times, and it’s incumbent upon every person to realize that.

{Dovid Newscenter/Yated Ne’eman contributed to this report.}