Thursday, December 24, 2009



It’s here, we have entered 5770.
Put away the newspapers and the radio; the television and the online updates. Get real, drop all the trappings of exile, and start walking, start running– to Geulah!

Big things are going to happen, big changes. It is all for the good, it is all from G-d Almighty’s love, for his “only child” Israel.
Moshiach is here, it’s only a matter of time…
These are “pregnant times”, we are preparing for lift-off.
Every moment counts. Pack your bags, with Torah and Mitzvot, and help others to do the same. Fill your moments, with sincere Tefillah, words of Tehillim, study Chassidus. Fill the air with holiness. These are the weapons of the future: Torah and Mitzvot and Tefillot. Fill the arsenal now, do them today!

We are rapidly approaching, the elevation of the worlds,the elevation of Malchut. Eyes will be opened, and our perception will be beyond words. Then we will understand, all the prophecies.

Don’t squander these last days. Recite words of Torah, while you sit at your desk. Tell the person next to you, about Mashiach,–his soul already knows all about it.
Tell him, that it is 5770!
The darkness will cease, the exile will cease; and the children of Israel, will return home. Goodbye, to this dusty rock; this dusty lower world, of shells/klipah. Arise shake of the dust!
This is the end, of the Jewish presence, in this dark, hard, cold world.
We will ascend (each and every member of the Jewish nation) to the state of GEULAH. To the true, supernal Land, of Israel.
Smile, and finish your mission!