Friday, April 24, 2009


Energy Homeopathy ™ is the newest innovation in Homeopathy.
It is a patented methodology, for diagnosing and treating various problems.

The advantages are:
1. Faster diagnosis
2. More accurate diagnosis
3. In many cases, the person feels better at the first visit,
4. It uses both the methodology and remedies used in Constitutional Homeopathy. Therefore, the person is energized in general, which results in the betterment of many problems, and also additional energy.
5. If the problem is something that an improvement can be noticed in the office, then it is Guaranteed.

A few of the problems helped are:
1. Pain relief (Back, Headache, Arthritis, etc.)
2. Fatigue
3. Overweight, over-eating
4. Anger issues
5. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
6. Allergies
7. Insomnia
8. Colds, viruses, ear infections, etc.
9. Stop Smoking
10. Excessive sexual tendencies.
11. Colds, Flues, Viruses
By Appointment Only
What is Energy Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine, to stimulate and rebalance our energy.

Homeopathy is an 'energy' system of medicine, which treats our energy system (immune system), rather than our physical body chemistry, as conventional medicine does.

We know from modern physics, that our seemingly solid bodies, are just dense fields of energy. A disturbance in our energy field, gives rise to disease.

Homeopathy uses specially prepared Homeopathic Remedies, to rebalance the energy. Once this is back in balance, our immune system, and the other interconnected systems in our body, start functioning better.

Homeopathy is a profound system, of stimulating our energy levels, which in turn alleviates many physical symptoms.
In order to become healthy, and live our life to the fullest, we need to strengthen our energy system.

Everyone gets stuck sometimes, as we travel along our life’s journey. This is because, our flow energy has become blocked in some way. We all have blocks, which prevent our life energy from flowing freely.

Constitutional treatment with Homeopathy, involves releasing these blocks - Once we release its hold on our life with Homeopathy, we can step into a different kind of space. A space of personal freedom, and an ability to move forward on our path to success.